I really don't know why I have a blog. Some people tell me they like to read it and get updates on my life and such... so here it goes. Aimless writing about me.
Last post I wrote about having a hard time coming back to Brasil. That's true. It's gotten better. I've been through three jobs in the past, what? 4 or 5 months... Ha. It's kind of hard for me to settle down. Admittedly, I've considered doing Hands-on for a semester, going back to LU, going someone else... but I've got to force myself to find my place and I'm convinced my place is here... but I always think about Kenya as well. Anyway, currently I'm in training at Chili's. It's a good job - lots of fun. But, as always, I'm not 100% content and I'm determined that there's somewhere out there where the grass really is greener. The problem with Chili's is that it's hard for me to "go" to class. I can't really find a time because to "go" to class I can't be tired or else I don't learn because I kind of teach myself. I work 6 hours during the week from 12-6 and then 8 hours during the weekend with one day off some random time during the week. Seeing Thiago is going to be incredibly hard and my day off will be spent studying. So... it's not ideal. But, really? What job is perfect?
It has benefits, though. The people there are great. Super fun, super awesome. I really enjoy being a waitress, as weird as that is. I like going to work. I like the hustle and bustle. But, giving up weekends and a lot of study time is a big sacrifice on my part and I'm trying to figure out if it's worth it. So... I guess I'll let you know how that goes. I really want to stay, I really like it. But, I need to figure out if I have enough time for it.
Having this job, however, even for this past week, has been really good for me. Just to even understand Thiago better... fighting traffic twice a day in full (not LU full, mind you, SÃO PAULO full) buses. Four buses a day (except when my lovely mom takes me to work), 2 hours in traffic. That part really sucks... but there are people who go two hours each way. I can't imagine that. An 8 shift plus four hours of traffic. Plus going to school.
Anyway... I'm just rambling now. I feel like I've been doing a lot of that lately. But yeah, I'm just here jammin to Maroon 5. Gonna leave in about 30 or 40 minutes to go to work. So... that's it. Nothing really to say... just sayin stuff. Have a great day!
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