
Thursday, July 10, 2014


Today is my last day in São Paulo. That is absolutely crazy! There are a billion things to do still and only a few hours to do them... and here I am writing a post for a blog that I haven't updated since January. Well my priorities are definitely in check.

However there is something on my mind that I must say and get off my chest. That is: Thank you! Thank you to all my wonderful students who have made this semester one that I will never ever forget. I have learned far more from my students that I would ever be able to teach. I have been humbled by students who invite to their homes for pizza, coffee, or to watch a soccer game. Students who let me into their lives by sharing their stories, teaching me new expressions in Portuguese, and telling me about their families, jobs, and hobbies. Through my classes I have learned all about different professions, religions, and ways of life. I have gotten to know some of the sweetest, most caring, funniest, and most intelligent people. I've met people from all walks of life who have let me in and have given me the priviledge of getting to know them. I am so blessed to be able to call my students my teachers as well. I hope that I have been able to teach you something in return or help you with your English-learning experience. I wish you guys all the best and hope we keep in touch!

It has been a trying and stressful semester, but also a semester full of fun classes, exciting experiences, and lots of learning. I'm truly sad to see this chapter in my life come to an end, but I'm so looking forward to the adventures and new experiences that are coming.

On to Uberlândia!!

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